Today, I want to give you a quick tip for your website that can help improve conversions. That means it can improve the number of people that call you and the number of people that fill out your contact form.

Why Free Consultations No Longer Get Results

On many attorney websites, it says at the top of the page or somewhere on else on the website, call today for a free consultation. The problem is that every lawyer in your market is also offering a free consultation. So, there’s nothing making you stand out.

To be totally honest with you, most people kind of associate consultations with sales. They know I’m going to try to sell them something during this free consultation.

It doesn’t have the impact that you want it to have, which is that we’re going to go through your case and tell you all the possible outcomes and figuring out how we’re going to handle this situation for you.

What To Offer Prospective Clients Instead

Lately, what I’ve been telling clients is instead of doing a free consultation, I offer a free strategy session. It’s the exact same thing. You don’t have to change anything, but the wording makes it different. Everyone gets a free consultation with all these other lawyers, but with you, they’re going to get a free strategy session.

How To Present This On Your Website

Here’s the other thing, when you put free strategy session on your website, also put very close to it the following.

Make sure to put this on your site, “During this strategy session, you will get… ” and list three benefits of the strategy session.  

You can mention that they will talk to an attorney, not a caseworker, and you will let them know all of the possible outcomes of your case.

You can also mention that you will create a custom personalized plan for how you’re going to fight the charges or how you’re going to handle the case or how to get your medical bills paid.

If you offer the strategy session and the benefits that they’re actually going to get, make sure to list those out below the strategy session. You’ll get a lot more consultations, and more people will contact you because it’s different.

Why This Tip Works

When you’re listing what they’re going to get, you don’t have to change the consultation whatsoever. You’re just not calling it a consultation anymore.