It’s no secret that bringing new visitors to your YouTube channel can help grow your business online. Yet the overwhelming majority of videos on YouTube get only mediocre results at best. One of the proven ways to draw more visitors to your YouTube videos is to design captivating, intriguing thumbnails and powerful, compelling titles for your videos.

For great YouTube thumbnails, use a good headshot or close-up for a personal touch. Make sure the lighting and colors are right, and look your best. YouTube accurately describes thumbnails as “miniature marketing posters” that should attract viewers and compel them to watch your videos. YouTube thumbnails appear in different sizes (and in surprising places) all across the internet, so have a strong, lively image and a well-framed composition. The foreground should stand out boldly from the background. Use appropriate backgrounds; a rock concert promoter, for example, shouldn’t use the same background that a criminal defense attorney might use.

Your text should immediately tell a viewer what your video is about and why he or she should view it. Make your text brief, powerful, easy-to-read, and to-the-point. Be sure you keep the image on the left and text on the right. Thumbnails, text, and title should all reinforce each other and convey the same theme. If you don’t feel like you can do this well, consider hiring a social media marketing company with experience in creating successful web content.

YouTube now draws over a billion unique visitors every month; its viewing hours (six billion a month) have increased more than 50 percent just since 2012. Uploads to YouTube now total more than 100 hours of video every minute, 24 hours a day. Don’t ignore the possibilities of YouTube. Great thumbnails and titles can help you take full advantage of this website’s almost limitless potential to expand your audience and your profits.