Mass Torts Made Perfect

Hey, everybody. Andy Stickel, here.

I was just talking to Sharon from Mass Torts Made Perfect on my podcast, “The Law Firm Marketing Hacks” podcast, and what we were talking about is how amazing conferences are to go to, and specifically, Mass Torts Made Perfect. If you’re a personal injury attorney and if you handle mass torts or similar things like that, this is a great conference to attend. Some of the things that we were talking about is this:

  • You attend the conference you get in on the ground floor, getting a lot of mass torts
  • At the same time, the new mass torts are coming together
  • You are now in a key position to begin networking

This all fits together beautifully. You can network and you can really get in on the ground floor of a lot of this stuff.

One of the things that we were talking about is how the 3M Earplug Campaign actually originated at Mass Torts Made Perfect. It’s kind of funny because that conference is where mass tort really originated. It’s where a lot of the attorneys got together and started figuring out, “Okay, what’s the best way to handle this, and how are we going to get these cases and everything?” So, I didn’t know that that’s where it started.

What is cool about it is that we actually ran a campaign for a client down in Florida it was a 3M Campaign, a lead generation campaign. We generated 77 leads at $40 a lead just in this one campaign. And I want to show you exactly how we did it because most of these, I want to say probably half of them, turned into actual clients. Basically, that makes them 80 bucks a case, which is pretty good if those numbers are right. I don’t know the exact numbers, but I know it’s very close to those numbers.

I am going to show you exactly how we did it, how we ran these Facebook ads. How you can do it, too. So, basically, you can see we’ve got a couple of ad sets here. We had a car accident campaign we ran that got 8 leads at 45 bucks apiece. That was a small one. We have another lead generation campaign for car accidents that got 32 leads at $122 a lead, but this is the one we’re really looking at, 3M lead generation. This got 77 leads at $40.55 a lead. We reached 67,000 people.

So, let me show you actually how we structured this. So, this is inside of the campaign and basically, what we did is we focused on specific interests that veterans would be interested in. We actually broke it up with a few different things. So one is we separated veterans, and then active military, and then another one we did was separating Army versus Navy, and then we had a couple of other things, also. So, let’s dive right in.

All right. So, on the right here, you see these are the results. So, the ones that actually got lead. When we targeted the army, we spent $863. We got 20 leads at $43.19 apiece. When we targeted just veterans, we spent $449. We got 17 leads at $26 apiece. I’m not sure 21+ is. I’ll have to dive into that. We targeted just the Navy. We spent $520. We have 14 leads and that was an average of $37 per lead. And then we did veterans and we also use a feature that Facebook has called interest expansion, which basically, will automatically expand the interests when Facebook thinks it can get you better results, and it clearly did because we spent $305, 10 leads for an average of $30.59 a lead.

So, let me dive right into these and show you what kind of targeting we did. So, with the army interest. And by the way, I believe with all of these we did, this whole thing was ad set optimization, I believe. I don’t think we did campaign budget optimization on this. Let’s see real quick. Because right now it’s using an ad set budget, but basically, nowadays, what you would do is you would actually use campaign budget optimization. You would control the budget at the campaign level, not the ad set level but, you know, we ran this back in May of 2019.

So, let’s look at the army interests. So, what we actually did is we looked at people who were recently living in these locations. starting with our client is in Stuart, Florida. So, we basically want to target people that are on the east coast of Florida and that’s exactly what we did. So you see we did Miami plus 50 miles, and then we essentially just came in here and dropped the pin, and then just went down there.

So, now, our interest targeting was really simple, just the United States Army. So, based on this, we were going to reach an estimated 840,000 people right here. This may be the reach, but definitely not the leads. Facebook has no idea how to do that. Now, the interesting thing is that we’re targeting the army, and I want to show you what we actually did.

We had a ton of ads that we ran for this, and some that worked really well. And so, this is why it’s important to know your audience because the ones that worked really well when we’re targeting the audience and when we’re targeting the army, like, this is our best ad. This got 8 leads at $35 apiece. This one got 1 lead at 11 dollars, but this one won the number of leads. So, our best ads were these right here. Two of the three best ads that we had were nothing more than the army logo.

One thing that we always do, army veterans, you always call out the target demographic. That’s why we see my ads, it’s always, “Hey, lawyers or law firm or lawyers or attorneys,” is one of the first few words, like the first three words. So, “Army lawyers are receiving money for hearing loss caused by defective earplugs. Veterans with hearing loss are getting payments.” Let’s see what’s the next one? The next one is basically an image with all of the branches in the military. Once again, veterans are shaving and then veterans, and that one did okay. Not as well as the army one. And then our third-best performing was, again, another one with the army.

So, if we go back and we look at the one for the Navy, for example, this one we got 14 leads at $37. Let’s take a look at what we did with the ads for this. As you can see, this one right here, 5 leads, $32 per lead. And then the second best one was another 5 leads, $45 per lead. So you’re using familiar imagery to attract people.

So this is the United States Navy. Veterans with hearing loss. So once again, you know, you’re basically using that familiar imagery. You’re being very specific with your targeting. So these, you know, that’s why these work so well. When you’re talking to the Navy, you’ve got a Navy SEAL and not Navy SEAL as in the fighter Navy SEAL, as in the seal of the Navy, I guess, you would call that. It works really well. By the way, these are Facebook lead ads that we’re doing.

Then let’s take a look at the veterans with interest expansion. This is actually the best performing campaign that we had. We just literally just targeted work industries veterans. And then you see right here, we expanded our targeting, so this is where the interest expansion came on, and it worked pretty well.

Let’s take a look at this next one. It is one of my favorites and our best. Oh, wow. Ten dollars per lead, $5 per lead. Yeah, it’s good. So, again, our best one is performing here, but again, you know, this one with the — this one kind of always got leads. This one where it’s got the, all the branches of the military in it. That one always seems to have generated leads. And actually, you can see that one won the impressions, if you look at the most impressions, because Facebook basically takes your budget and spends it based on what’s getting the best reaction. Ultimately, they want to give you the best results, but you can see right here, this one definitely won the impression. Actually, both of these won the impressions game.

You might notice that we targeted a single interest in this ad narrowing in on something like Fort Benning. Now, I’m not sure if we did a location or if we did the actual interest. Let’s see what we did here. Okay, so just interest Fort Benning, and then, let’s see, the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. Let’s see, Veterans, Fort Benning United States Department of Veteran Affairs. Yeah. We just targeted that. USAA is another one. We were just targeting people. This really isn’t that difficult. A big part of it is speaking directly to the interest, and then using familiar imagery that’s really hyper targeted to the actual interest. That’s why, you know, the Army one works so well. That’s why the Navy one works so well.

What’s 21+? I wonder what that is. Let’s see what 21+ targeting was. This one got 16 leads, and  Okay, so basically, what we did is we targeted people who are 21+ at Fort Lauderdale or, you know, east coast of Florida. Fort Benning, USAA, Veterans United Network, and We Are The Mighty. Now, the way that we did this is we did this through expanding — we did this through expanding audience insights.

So, Veterans United Network and We Are The Mighty. I want to show you how you actually do this. You go into Ads Manager. At the top here, you click Audience Insights. What did you say it’s called, We Are The Mighty? And what you do is you go to — So, the way we figure this out, so, say like veterans. What you want to do is you want to come into — This is how you do really, really good audience targeting on Facebook. So, let’s say the U.S. Army. United States Army. Let’s see what comes up here.

So, you put this in an interest, right? And then right here, you click Page Likes, and then — Now, what’s kind of cool is you got all these different interests that — Now, what this is, when you look at Page Likes, you only put one interest here, and then when you look at these Page Likes, these are the pages that someone who has an interest in the United States Army is likely to like.

So, what I do is I’ll come in here and I’ll go in here and I’ll look at all of the different pages. I’ll open them all in a different tab, and I’ll find ones that are only related to the military. And I typically open them all up, so let’s take a look at what all these are. So, give this a second to load. All right. Well, I can already tell you Larry the Cable guy’s not a good interest. Steven Crowder, I believe is a country musician. Okay. Let’s look at this. American AF. Oh, no. We’re going to crash, aren’t we? Oh, no.

I think we’re going to lose it. All right. Well, bottom line, what you typically want to do there — Oh, no. We came back. Hang on a second. Let’s go back to our screen share. Okay. So, American AF veteran. Okay. So, this is something that veterans would probably like. You know, basically, American AF, so we’ll keep that one up there. Under Armour. Man, this is going so slow. Let me pause it.

Okay. Well, apparently, my computer can’t handle all this and recording at the same time. So, what we’ll do is we’ll kind of cherry pick here. So, typically, when I’m doing this, I’ll just open them all. Okay. So, obviously, Larry the Cable Guy is not an army interest. Steven Crowder is not an army interest. Let’s see. The U.S. The Marine Corps obviously is. The Marine Corps obviously is. Let’s see what Make the Connection is.

All right. So, Make the Connection. Okay. So this is the Armed Forces. Okay. So this is one that if you’re in the military, you probably would be interested in that. Cold Dead Hands, I’m pretty sure is a Second Amendment thing, not necessarily military. Let’s see. Cold Dead Hands. Cold Dead Hands. Yeah, we are a store, American patriots,Yeah, this is more Second Amendment. Don’t-take-my-guns type of thing, rather than that. Okay, so NineLineApparel I don’t believe is like a veteran’s style of apparel. These interest charts change all the time, so like these probably were not available to us back then.

So, Nine Line, I wonder what that is. Hmm. Man, my computer is not cooperating today. So, bottom line is, what you do — I can’t really demo this because my computer just isn’t working, but the way I do this is I keep going through here and then like, so for example, now that I have American AF — Now the thing you have to remember is that there’s a difference between pages over here and interests over here. So just because there’s an interest doesn’t mean there will be a page, and just because there’s a page doesn’t mean there will be an interest.

So let’s see if American AF comes up in here. American AF. Yeah, see, it’s not coming up, but let’s see if ‘ We Are The Mighty” comes up because “We Are The Mighty” is one that I targeted before, and I want to show you why I targeted that. What you want to do is you want to go in here and you want to find these interests, and then you put them in here individually. And then you want to see that the majority of the interests that come up here are related to whatever subject you’re talking about. So, if we’re trying to find people in the military, then we want to find interests that, when you put them in here, all these pages are related or, for the most part, I’d say like 70% to 80% of the pages are related to specifically military interests because that means that military people are likely to like this. So, look at this. There is:

  • The Salty Soldier
  • A Combat Veteran
  • Veterans Advantage
  • Stand United
  • Ranger Up Military
  • MMA Apparel
  • RogueAmerican Apparel

A lot of this stuff sounds like stuff that, really cool things especially for Vets Veterans First, Low VA Rates. So, when you see a lot of interests in there that are interests that you’d be interested in only if you’re a veteran, then you know it’s a good target to focus on.

So then what you do is you make a note of all of these, and then those are the ones that you actually target, and you can see that when we did that, it actually worked pretty well. Let me go back to the Ads Manager here and just show you that. If we had to go much more granular and, if we were going to spend more money on this ad, then what I would probably do is, go back to this client. Then I would start targeting these individual interests. But we got really good results on this and then they wanted to go a different direction after they got a bunch of these cases for a couple different reasons. I don’t remember exactly why. But that’s the 21 plus right here. So, we have the 21 plus and normally, I do a better job of naming my ad sets. I don’t know why I didn’t do a good job this time. But you can see what we actually did. I mean, that strategy I showed you is the exact strategy I used.

I went into audience insights, and then I just looked at the interests. As you can see right here. Where are they? So, Fort Benning, United States Army, Fort Benning USAA, Veterans United Network, We Are The Mighty. I think the reason that I didn’t go that much farther and it’s because it was working so well and I think we had a limited budget that we were working with, but I would have gone much, much deeper, like, if I was going to run this again, which I think this would still work really, really well. I would go much, much deeper into those audience insights and all those interests that people are, you know, all those things that you’re likely to like if you are a member of the United States Military.

So, again, where this originated from is just talking about Mass Torts Made Perfect. It was really cool too, kind of, to hear about the origin of this entire thing because I had no idea. I’ve always heard of Mass Torts Made Perfect. I had no idea that that’s where this actually where this 3M Campaign actually came from. So, it is pretty awesome.

Hopefully, this helps. Hopefully, this will help you do better targeting and better audience research for your Facebook ads and for your audience and for your Facebook ad campaign. If you have any questions about this at all, just let me know and I will talk to you soon. Thanks, guys.