At my company, we had an internal meeting today. We were talking about what are the best ways that we can make our websites and our clients’ websites as useful as possible and one of the things that gets overlooked is the actual user experience.

You can have your page perfect in terms of inbound links, SEO, etc., but at the end of the day, one of the things that everyone’s looking for is searcher satisfaction.

When someone goes to your website, do they find all the information they need? Do all of their questions get answered? Is the content easy to digest? Is it easy for them to read?

How To Find Info That Users Want And Need

One of the big things that you can look at is what are people actually looking for? And one thing that we found is that if you can make content that’s extremely useful and actually answers the questions that people are looking for, then you’re going to do better because Google is smart.

Let’s say someone searches “DUI penalties”, and they go to the first result and they click the ‘back’ button, and then they go to the second result and they click the ‘back’ button and then they go to the third result…and they stay on that page for a long time before coming back, or they come back, or they don’t even come back, then Google is kind of going to think “Okay, well that third result is probably a better result for the searcher.” They’re going to bump that one up.

That’s why user experience is really important. This is how you can do that even with just something simple like “DUI.” I want to show you how you can figure out exactly what people are searching for. I’m going to search “DUI” and what a lot of people don’t realize, is that if you scroll to the bottom, you’re going to see searches related to DUI, and you can click on these.

The two main things that are showing up here are “DUI consequences” and “DUI penalties.” Let’s look at DUI consequences and let’s also look at DUI penalties. As you can see right here. “What is the punishment for first time DUI?”, “What is the punishment for second DUI?” “What is a punishment for a DUI?” “What is the penalty for drunk driving first offense?”

Then down the bottom here, we’ve got more stuff. “DUI consequences California,” “First DUI consequences,” “DUI consequences” — you can certainly see a pattern here, and these would be really great topics. Here’s the other thing – “DUI penalties.” “What’s the punishment for second DUI?” “What’s the punishment for first DUI?”

How To Take This Info And Implement It Into Your Content

What you can do is start going through here and figuring out what people are searching for and start to identify content that you can create that would be useful for the searcher. If you look at all this content…you can do this with anything.  For example, if you search “DUI breathalyzer test,” and see what people are looking for, the following questions will show up:

How long does it take to pass a breathalyzer? What happens if someone refuses a breathalyzer? What is a DUI refusal charge? What is a normal breathalyzer reading?

If you type these keywords, you can start seeing what people are actually searching for. These aren’t things that Google is making up. This is stuff that people are actually searching for. Before you write anything, you should go check the related searches and see what people are actually searching for and then, answer those questions.

You need to make your content as useful as possible and make sure that when someone goes to your page, they’re going to get all their questions answered. If you sit down and you think about what are all the questions that someone who has a DUI – that’s related to this topic – what would be the most useful information to them? If you can answer those questions, then you’re just naturally going to rank higher because people are going to find your website and Google is going to rank you higher because they’re seeing that people are having a better user experience.