Hey, everybody. Andy Stickel here. I would like to share some information with you from a family law attorney named Daniel. I just received an Email from Daniel and he gave me his permission to let you in on his experience. Here is what Daniel’s email read,

Danial’s First Attempt

“Andy, I followed your advice on the Profit For Law webinar. I scheduled a webinar and sent a link to clients. I posted them on my socials. I ran and boosted ads on Facebook and have one registered person and no attendees. I’m emailing during my webinar.” I’ve been telling people that one of the best things you can do right now in a pandemic – and, honestly, really, anytime but especially right now – you can do live Q&A webinars.

Daniel happens to be a family law attorney. So what I told him is, “You can go on and create a webinar where basically you say, ‘Hey, listen. If you have any questions about child custody or child support or visitation or family law or anything as it relates to COVID-19 or anything at all, then go ahead and come on this webinar. I’ll answer all of your questions live.” So he sent me his ad and I want to critique the ad live and I want to show you some of the things that I would do differently and maybe a few reasons why I think that this ad didn’t work as well as he wanted it to. Hopefully, this will give him some ideas on what he can do in the future. So, scrolling down through his email here, I find his actual ad.

The Ad

The top is titled (misspelled) COVID-19, When your first word is a typo that’s not good. The ad reads, “COVID-19: Divorce & Family Issues During the Corona Pandemic. Free webinar. Let me answer all of your divorce and family law questions during this interactive webinar. April 7th, 2020 at noon. Register in advance for this webinar.” And then we’ve got a link. The ad supports a picture of a family right here. And then we’ve got, “Law Offices of Daniel Clement.” And then “Sign up.”


Now, a couple of issues here. First of all, one of the first things that I would be concerned about. This is a human nature thing so I don’t want to hear anything about this. This is going to be a little controversial but this is a human nature thing. This ad, to me, looks like it might be from Asia. Because it looks like we have an Asian family. I’m not sure. I think you’re in New York. Right? So one of the things that I would do is try to make sure that my target audience is represented as a picture. Don’t read into that as anything more than it should be. That’s basically just what it is. And when people look at things, they want to see themselves. I don’t know anything about this photograph. However, when I look at the people represented in the background of the picture it does not strike me as being an American couple and it doesn’t remind me of anywhere I have seen in the United States. I think this might be a photograph of an Asian couple. I’m not really sure to be totally honest with you. But that’s one thing right there. The picture could be an issue. So I would probably make this a little bit more to look like the type of people that your regular clients are. Now, if you’re going for people of Asian descent, then that’s fine. That’s perfect. This image is good. But that would be my first thing.


For the headline, you could do something like, “Free COVID-19 child custody/support and family law Q&A.” Something like that. I think if you ran something like this, then I think you have much more luck. Let me switch back over here. I think if you ran an ad like that and with a different image, you would have much more luck getting people to this post.

The second thing, obviously, we have to make sure that COVID is spelled correctly. The formatting on the ad is extremely off. The most important line in the ad has lost its power because of its placement. Let me show you what I would do differently. I always go to the Hemingway App. Hemingway App is an app that is really cool because it actually forces you to write like a 3rd grader and not an attorney, (which is always a big problem).

What you typically want to do is say something like, “I’ve had many clients ask me questions about various family law matters. So I decided to host a free Q&A to answer all of your legal questions.” Now, you can already see this, which means that, as you can see what it says, it’s hard to read. It is too wordy. So what you want to do is you want to kind of whittle this down a little bit. “Many clients have asked me questions about various family law matters.” How can we simplify that? “About child custody support and other family law issues. In response, I’m hosting a free…” Actually, one tip is: if you can say “no cost Q&A”, that’s usually better for Facebook compliance. But try free. “I decided to host a free Q&A to answer any legal questions you may have.” And then we want to say, “I’ll be discussing all issues related to family law, including divorce, domestic violence, child custody/support, and more.” Okay. Let’s do, “I’ll cover many topics, including divorce, domestic violence, child custody/support, and more.”

Okay. Sometimes you can do something like that and just make it simple. I always try to make it yellow. Because if you can make it yellow, it means it’s much easier to read. “Many clients have asked me questions about child support and other family issues. In response, I’m hosting a free Q&A to answer any legal questions you may have. I’ll cover many topics, including divorce, domestic violence, child custody/support, and more.” And then you can say, “Please share this post with anyone who needs help with a family law matter in New York.” And then you can do dates. “April 6, 2020. Noon.” And then, “Register here.” Now, one of the things you want to do for the first line is you might want to say something like, “Child support/custody, divorce or domestic violence questions.” Something like that. Because that is the most important line of the entire thing. It gets their attention. Now, this is a much better ad that will get people’s attention. Now, the other part about is, right down here, where it says, “Law Offices of Daniel Clement,” that’s really important. Let me switch back over here. I think if you ran an ad like that and with a different image, you would have much more luck getting people to this post.

Now, the other thing is it looks like you actually published this from your business page. I would also publish the same thing from your personal page also and encourage your friends and family to share it as well and anyone else. And then if you have a wife or anything like that, have her share it as well and just get the word out. And if you ask people to share it for you and say, “Share this with anyone that needs to see this,” then what will happen is people actually will share it and it will spread and you’ll get way more than just one person at your webinar. I hope this was helpful. I hope this gives you some good ideas. I look forward to hearing how this works for you. I’ll talk to you soon. Thanks.