This is probably the question we are asked most often. How can you improve your law firm’s Google Rating? The easiest thing is to help your SEO company (or if you are doing your own) get reviews for your company.

Confusion, right out of the gate

The first issue you will face is that all reviews are not created equally. You will look at another company and say, “He only has 20 reviews and I have 35! Why is his rating higher on Google than mine? Here’s the deal. It is not about the number of reviews you have. It’s about the number of keywords that are used in your reviews.

You can’t write them yourself, can you?

You can’t say, Hey client. I really appreciate your business. I trust you were happy with the service you received. If so would you mind clicking here to leave me a review? Please be sure to say orange county divorce lawyer six times in the first 3 lines of text. No. But you can do the next best thing. Try this.

Ask the questions

Send your client an email. Tell them that you hope they were happy with the service you gave the. Ask them if they would give you a review. Say something along the lines of, “To make it easy for you, I will send you some basic questions. If you follow this guide you can leave your review in seconds. Thanks so much!”

Then send them this prepared questionnaire:

  • What was the problem you had prior to coming to our law firm?
  • Where did we represent you?
  • Why did you choose our firm specifically over any other law firm?
  • What did you like about working with our firm?
  • What was the outcome of your case and how has your life changed since achieving this outcome?

If you ask these questions then they’ll answer them. This is an easy out for them and great tools for you.

For example:

Question: What was the problem that you had prior to coming to our law firm?

Answer: I got arrested for a DUI or I was going through a divorce.

Immediately you have your keyword.

Question: Where do we represent you?

Answer:  You represented me in Orange County, California or in Baltimore, Maryland

You got your keywords for SEO optimization and your location which will help you on Google maps.

If you want to improve your law firm’s Google rating, you have to concentrate on reviews. Often times clients intend on leaving a review, but time gets away from them. Make leaving a review easy for them and you will get what you need and your rating will reflect the change.