Should You Mention Specific Areas in Your Law Firm’s Marketing Videos

The question:

I cut a video about a criminal arraignment. Should I make specific videos for each county in my area, or should I keep it a more generic? o

My answer:

So you made a video about a criminal arraignment. Should you make a specific video for each county in your area?

I guess you’re a criminal defense attorney and you focus on multiple counties. Should you create a different video for each county? I would say yes, because the more specific you can be the better.

Being more specific is better

Let’s say you’re in in Florida. What is the arraignment process like in Florida? That’s okay. That applies to the entire state. But if you’re in Orlando, you could do a video about the arraignment process in Osceola County. What is the arraignment process like in Orange County? What does the arraignment process look like in Polk County? What is the arraignment process like in Seminole County?

The advantages of being more specific

Even if the process is the same it’s much more specific and that way someone searching for Polk County arraignment or Orange County, Florida, arraignment, they’re more likely to find your video because it’s so specific. It’s also naming the specific locations. In fact, if you can, make specific videos about each county and each city in the area. That’s what I would do.